1. Collection of Personal Information
Types of Information Collected
When you become a Clan of Consultant member of Mustard Seed Systems Corporation, we may collect and hold personal information that can identify you, and is relevant to providing you with the services or products you are seeking. This personal information may include details such as your name, age, gender, contact information, products, and services you are interested in or require more information about. If you purchase or request products and services from us, we may also request your preferences for receiving further marketing or promotional material.
The choice of how much information you provide to us is yours. We seek this information to process and provide the details you request, or improve the quality of our products and services, or to assist you to determine which products and services best meet your needs.
Method of Collection
Personal information will generally be collected directly from you through the use of any of our standard forms, over the internet, via email, or through a telephone conversation with you. We may also collect personal information about you from third parties acting on your behalf (for instance, clients).
We also collect information from subscribers (persons registering their details with us through the website) or website visitors for the purpose of improving our quality and effectiveness as well as providing you with appropriate information. We also store feedback that users send to us. This feedback is used to administer and refine our service. We may also use the information to improve or promote this program. We will not publish your name in connection with any information you provide without your permission.
There may, however, be some instances where personal information about you will be collected indirectly because it is unreasonable or impractical to collect personal information directly from you. We will notify you about these instances in advance, or where that is not possible, as soon as reasonably practicable after the information has been collected.
Purpose of Collection
The personal information that we will collect and hold about you, will depend on your interaction with us as a consultant. Generally, we will collect, use, and hold your personal information for the purposes of:
providing products or services to you or someone else you know like the clients you will refer;
providing you with newsletters, information, and other communications;
providing you with information about other services that we offer that may be of interest to you and the clients you will refer;
involving you in promotions and other initiatives undertaken by us (i.e. The Millionaire’s Club);
facilitating our internal business operations, including the fulfilment of any legal requirements; and
analyzing our services and customer needs for future improvements of those services.
Failure to Provide Information
If the personal information you provide to us is incomplete or inaccurate, we may be unable to provide you, or someone else you know, with the services you, or they, are seeking.
2. Access and Correction of Personal Information
You may request access to your personal information collected through our data base at any time, by writing us a request. Please send an email at and we will respond to your request within a reasonable period. We may decline a request for access to personal information in circumstances prescribed by the Privacy Act, and if we do, we will provide you with a written notice that will set out the reasons for the refusal (unless it would be unreasonable to provide those reasons). If, upon receiving access to your personal information or at any other time, you believe the personal information we hold about you is incorrect, incomplete, or out of date, please advise us and we will update it. We will take reasonable steps to correct the information so that it is accurate, complete, and up to date. If we refuse to correct your personal information, we will provide you with a written notice that will set out the reasons for our refusal (unless it would be unreasonable to provide those reasons) and provide you with a statement regarding the mechanisms available to you to make a complaint.
3. Changes to this Privacy Statement
This privacy policy may change from time to time particularly as new rules, regulations, and industry codes are introduced.
4. Complaints and Feedback
If you wish to make a complaint about a breach of the Privacy Act, Privacy Principles, or a Privacy Code that applies to us, please contact us as set out below and we will take reasonable steps to investigate the complaint and respond to you.
If you have any queries or concerns about our Privacy Policy or the way we handle your personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer at +63(02) 8535-7333 or email us at
The Consultant must first apply and pass the screening for the Clan of Consultants (COC) Alliance Program before he can be eligible to refer and claim his referral fee.
Applicant Eligibility
Mustard Seed Systems Corporation reserves the right to screen and accept or reject any Consultants who apply in the Clan of Consultants (COC) Alliance Program.
All Consultants are eligible to apply in our COC Alliance Program EXCEPT:
1. Current employees, Business Leads, Branch Managers, Admins, Managers, Senior Managers, and Executive members of Mustard Seed Systems Corporation.
2. Individuals who are up to third degree relatives of any MSSC employees.
3. Consultants who applied but are not screened and approved by MSSC.
4. Consultants who are not in the COC Masterlist / database.
Referral Eligibility
Referrals provided by the Consultants are subject for approval. For a potential business opportunity to be an eligible Referral, it must meet the following criteria:
Referrals must be submitted to Mustard Seed Systems Corporation’s email, Verbal and other referrals not submitted to this email address will not be entertained and screened;
Consultant must remain in a good standing with Company before and during the time of Referral, and after the revenue period;
Consultant must be in a good relationship with the referred client;
After the Referral is received, MSSC reserves the right to verify the business opportunity and Consultant agrees to assist with gathering the needed information before the Referral be considered eligible for any monetary reward. Personal and professional information, timeframe for opportunity, and known contact names of potential decision makers must be provided.
Referrals must be closed within twelve months after the referral approved date.
If Referral is also made by the Consultant to a competing entity of Company, MSSC reserves the right to refuse to pay the referral fee upon notice to the Consultant of ineligibility.
Existing Members
For existing COC members who are accredited before September 2019:
1.Consultant must ensure that he has submitted an updated application form to MSSC on or before November 15, 2019. Failure to comply will subject the Consultant for re-evaluation and he will receive a 5% referral fee for his closed sales (fee is valid starting September 2019).
2. For closed deals where the referral fee is not 5%, Sales Representative must refer his concern directly to our National Sales Manager for review and approval. Consultant will be informed by Sales Representative or BM/BL about the closed deal.
Claiming of Referral Fee
Starting November 2019, Consultant must submit his filled out Documentation Form directly to our Operations Manager for verification purposes. Contact Ms. Eralyn Manzon at +63(2) 8535-7333 loc. 220 or 321 or send an email to She will also notify the Consultant once the cheque is ready.
New Referral Fee Percentage
For closed business sales from eligible referrals starting September 2019, Mustard Seed Systems Corporation will pay a referral fee of five percent (5%) to the Consultants (fee is subjected to Tax)—provided all terms of this policy are met. The referral fee will be given ONLY via cheque named to Consultant within five (5) working days after the final payment is completed by the client.
This policy applies to the following engagements:
Business Management Solutions (ERP and Small Business Accounting).
Human Resource Management Solutions (Payroll Software and Time & Attendance Devices).
Education Technologies (Smart TV, Interactive Whiteboard, Projector, and E-classroom).
Nothing contained in this document shall constitute a promise of payment, contract for employment, or change in this status of Consultant as an Independent Consultant of MSSC. This policy may be modified or cancelled at any time at the sole discretion of Company.
The following are the Terms and Conditions for the COC Program as offered by MSSC. As a Consultant, you agree to abide and be bound by the COC Program’s Terms and Conditions for the duration of your involvement in the program.
Skills Maintenance. All companies/consultants will ensure their sales and professional knowledge for MSSC’s software and hardware solutions are at par with the latest developments.
Trademark Guidelines. The COCs will adhere to MSSC’s guidelines once they received the right to use MSSC’s trademarks on their website, promotional materials, and other resources.
Ethics. The COCs will promote the ethical use of MSSC’s software and hardware products.
Business Development and Growth Activities. The COCs will consistently promote MSSC’s software and hardware solutions as well as annually validate their alliance with MSSC.
Company’s / Consultant’s Membership Status
Together with the BMs, BLs, and Strategic Alliance Officer, MSSC will review the company’s/consultant’s membership status at the end of the calendar year. If the company/consultant has delivered the commitment required from partners at their current position and remain in good standing, partner status will be renewed the following year.
If a company/consultant has exceeded the needed commitment from partners at their current position, MSSC will likewise renew the status and benefits for the next calendar year. If a company/consultant has not met the required commitment from partners at their current position but attained a sufficient level to remain in the COC Alliance Program, MSSC will confirm a new partner status.
If company/consultant has not met the minimum commitment for the year, the partner status may be cancelled for the next calendar year.
Revoke/Cancellation of COC Alliance Partner Status
Company/Consultant is at risk of losing their COC status if they stop meeting one or more of their program commitments or has breach one or more ethical guidelines and contractual requirements. If the COC status is cancelled, alliance will be terminated and the company/consultant can no longer use the COC position and all benefits thereof.
Changes to COC Terms and Conditions
MSSC reserves the right to review and amend these Terms and Conditions at their discretion as follows:
1. If MSSC considers that a change is likely to cause a minor impact on the company/consultant, MSSC may make the change immediately without notifying the company/consultant and;
2.If MSSC considers that a change is likely to cause a detrimental impact on the company/consultant, MSSC will make the change after notifying the latter (by using the email address provided by the company/consultant).
Termination of the company’s/consultant’s alliance with MSSC COC Program may occur under the following conditions:
1. MSSC may terminate the COC Program anytime and will provide the company/consultant a 30 day prior notice through email.
2. MSSC may terminate an alliance in the COC Program if company/consultant has unsettled payments.
3. MSSC may terminate an alliance in the COC Program if company/consultant is in violation of the Terms and Conditions of this program or any contractual arrangement with MSSC.